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Clinical Athlete Diaries: Programming Entry #1: The Plan

Written on 9.23.19 by Quinn Henoch, DPT, ClinicalAthlete Provider, CWC Instructor I’ve been in a training rut. The picture above was 9 months ago at the 2018 American Open Finals. I don’t...

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Clinical Athlete Diaries: Programming Entry #2: Execution & Freak Accident

Written on 12.13.19 by Quinn Henoch, DPT, ClinicalAthlete Provider, CWC InstructorSo, we started 11.5ish weeks ago with "The Plan". I outlined what I planned to do after a 9 month layoff from...

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Clinical Athlete Diaries: Programming Entry #3: Velocity Based Skwattttsss

About ClinicalAthlete Diaries:This is a blog series written by ClinicalAthlete Providers and coaches that are meant to discuss their practical application and philosophies for coaching and athlete rehab. The aim...

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